Sleep Dentistry

Dental fear and anxiety are a common concern, causing many of our patients to miss out on getting the dental care they need. This puts their oral health at risk of gum disease and other concerns from the buildup of bacteria and plaque that adhere to the teeth. Because we strongly believe every patient deserves to get dental care, we offer sedation dentistry.  

Sedation dentistry is a way for our patients to change their dental experience, and their lives. By alleviating dental anxiety or fear, you can get the oral care you need to protect your health and avoid preventable risks like gum disease that can have disastrous effects on the mouth. The following are some of the benefits our patients enjoy with the help of sedation:

  • More dental work completed in less time
  • No more dental anxiety or fear
  • Virtually pain-free dental experience
  • Little to no memory of treatment
  • Maintain control to communicate with your doctor



Every patient is different, and the source of their dental anxiety or fear is different. Whether it comes from a past experience, fear of the dental drill or a gag reflex, we have solutions to help. We offer the following levels of sedation dentistry:

Local Anaesthetic

Local Anaesthetic is a numbing agent that is injected into the gums. It works quickly to numb the area being worked on, preventing the nerve endings from sending pain signals to the brain.

Oral Sedation

Oral sedation is a small pill taken shortly before your dental appointment. It calms and relaxes you so you arrive to the office in a relatively euphoric state.

Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous Oxide sedation is laughing gas. It is a safe and effective solution to ease dental anxiety before we begin dental work that may relax you enough to fall asleep.

Intravenous (IV) Sedation

Intravenous (IV) sedation is a more powerful sedation option administered by a local anaesthesiologist in our office. It is especially effective for more complex cases. With this sedation, you are monitored at all times for safety.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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